Get the Body Sculpting You Want with tru-Sculpt iD & Flex

Modesto Aesthetics and Laser
Body sculpting and contouring is in high demand. So many of us want to look and feel our best and increase our self-confidence. Did you know you can tone targeted muscle groups with truSculpt Flex and lose unwanted fat in your abdominal muscles and flanks with truSculpt iD? Yes, the body you desire is possible with the combination of FDA approved truSculpt iD and Flex. You can achieve the body you want this summer. Aesthetic providers are calling this mix the dynamic duo for its ability, when combined, to achieve fat loss, reduction in inches of target areas, and muscle toning.
The targeted treatment areas include:
· Abs
· Flanks
· Thighs
· Back fat
· Bra-Fat

What is tru-Sculpt iD?
According to tru-Sculpt’s website: truSculpt iD is a Mono-polar RF Personalized Body Sculpting Platform treatment for any shape or body type. tru-Sculpt iD treats the subcutaneous fat layer, resulting in long lasting fat reduction. The 15-minute treatment protocols can comfortably treat the abdomen, flanks, and other targeted areas simultaneously with no downtime.
What is tru-Sculpt flex?
According to the tru-Sculpt website: tru-Sculpt Flex is a personalized muscle sculpting treatment that adjusts to your fitness level, shape, and goals to strengthen, firm, and tone your skeletal muscle groups.
What is the Difference Between tru-Sculpt iD and tru-Sculpt flex??
The major difference between the two treatments is that during a tru-Sculpt iD procedure the focus is on losing inches on your targeted treatment area. During the tru-Sculpt flex procedure muscle toning is purpose. When you combine both treatments the fat loss is expedited for a better overall fat loss with muscle toning.
Combining tru-Sculpt Treatments for Best Results
When you combine the treatments, you can remove unwanted fat while enhancing muscle tone at the same time. The procedure is non-invasive, meaning no anesthesia is needed. There are also no needles just warm paddles hooked up to the Mono-polar Sculpting Machine. The paddles are placed on your targeted areas. During the Flex treatments you will feel your muscles contract as the machine is doing its magic to tone and firm the area.
Many people are huge fans of body sculpting. Especially people that work out but cannot seem to lose or tone those last stubborn inches, no matter how hard they try. They swear by the procedure, and we are sure the price is worth it to feel your best.
Body Sculpting Near Me
Modesto Aesthetics and Laser can help you uncover your natural allure in a safe, professional, inviting atmosphere. We believe in personalized solutions to revitalize your skin and enhance your overall well-being with body sculpting or any other facial procedure. Call or text us today to book a consultation at (209) 577-3340