Laser Hair Removal Treatments- Advanced Laser Clinic of Modesto

If you have unwanted hair and want to ditch your razor, save yourself time from painful plucking with tweezers or are tired of ripping hair out with wax, laser hair removal is for you. It is a widely used cosmetic procedure done across the United States every year. The new Light sheer Quattro Laser Hair Removal System at ALC Modesto uses the best and newest technology to allow for the quickest and least painful way to remove unwanted hair.
Laser hair removal devices beam highly concentrated light into hair follicles and the pigment in the follicles absorbs the light, destroying the follicle and leading to smooth, silky skin.
Where can you use Laser Hair Removal?
- Face
- Legs
- Chin
- Back
- Arms
- Underarms
- Bikini Line
Benefits of Laser Hair RemovalLasers target dark, course hairs, and leave the surrounding skin unharmed
Laser Hair Removal is fast. It treats several hairs at a time, treating an area the size of a quarter every second.
Results. Most patients achieve hair loss after 5 sessions, but results may vary.
Benefits of Light sheer Quattro Laser Hair Removal
- Light sheer Quattro has the ability to treat any hair type
- Light sheer Quattro treats tan or dark skin as well as lighter skin tones
- It can treat hair on top of pigmented or vascular lesions
- Laser energy is delivered more efficiently through high-speed vacuum technology
- High-speed handpiece that offers pain reduction mechanism
- Works without anesthesia and gel
- Has Chill-Tip Integrated Contact Cooling Technology that is more efficient, safer and more comfortable that has attachments designed to treat both large and small areas more precisely
Things You Can Do to Ensure Effective Results
- Limit shaving, waxing, or tweezing for 6 weeks prior to laser hair removal
- Avoid sun exposure to the desired treatment area because it decreases the effectiveness of the laser hair removal.
With any cosmetic procedure, it is important to follow any aftercare instructions including sun and tanning beds. Individual results may vary.
Call Modesto’s leader in Aesthetics and Laser to schedule your consultation to begin your journey to more convenient, effective, and less painful unwanted hair removal with Light sheer Quattro Hair Removal.